Driving to the lower 9th Ward Village we passed this closed elementary school - note the date on the sign. There is apparently no will to re-open it or many other schools in the city -with catastrophic results for many children in the area.

closed school

Working at the lower 9th

Building shelves for the warehouse to be for Rebuild Green

Cute kid at the farmer's market - she was a fabulous photographer - and she's 7.

Farmer's market in the lower 9th

The farmers market included a lot of prepared food including grilled shrimp, red beans and rice, home made cakes, music - a choir of kids singing at one point and a jazz band later. Lots of church groups and rebuilding groups but not a lot of produce at this point. Turner, about whom you'll hear more shortly, plans to remedy this with the huge organic garden he's teaching kids to grow.

Typical sign post - although they often are only hand lettered signs.
Turner We met two guys there - Don from ReBuild Green and Turner from the Blair Grocery School. We left the farmer's market to go see the school. Turner has been coming down to work since the hurricane. He was a teacher in New York City and ultimately quit his job to come down full time last summer. He's running a small school, teaching a group of kids to garden organically, teaches them building skills and other highly practical skills. He's got a beat up building he's been rebuilding with his students, a big organic garden that takes up many formerly empty lots and two buses - currently full of 70 kids down from New York City to volunteer. His nonprofit is
IFCO/Pastors for Peace
Garden at the Blair School

Turner talking to kids about his curriculum - organic gardening, rebuilding, etc

Blair Grocery School (name presumably refers to building's former function.)

Bayeau - maybe half a mile from the school - a reminder that the water is never far in New Orleans. Don took us there to see it after we left the school.
And oh yes - can't forget that today was Maddy's birthday:
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